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Specialist Insurance




Medical Travel Insurance for Cosmetic Surgery Abroad

If you have made the decision to travel abroad to undergo cosmetic surgery, Medical Travel Shield is the specialist single trip travel insurance designed for you.

Our travel insurance for cosmetic surgery will provide you with everything that you would expect from standard travel insurance including; lost or stolen items, accidental illness or injury and cancellations or
curtailments outside of your control.

What makes Medical Travel Shield cosmetic travel insurance different?

As well as standard cover, we provide additional benefits tailored for you as a patient
within the same policy.

Those tailored benefits being:

  • Costs towards travel, accommodation and daily living expenses if you have to stay at your destination longer than the normal recovery period on medical grounds

  • We will pay for any medical expenses incurred if you suffer a life threatening complication during or as a result of your procedure/treatment. This is up to €2 million and includes repatriation.

  • If within 12 months of returning home, you suffer a medical complication relating to the original treatment and a qualified medical practitioner in the Republic of Ireland confirms you should return to your original destination, you can claim costs towards return travel, accommodation and daily living expenses.

Cosmetic procedures can include:

- Breast augmentation
- Rhinoplasty
- Mummy makeover
- Liposuction (including for lipoedema)
- Facelift
- Brazilian Butt Lift
- Laser eye surgery
- Hair transplant

The following procedures would be considered elective:

- Genital reassignment
- Bariatric procedures
- Total body lift

If there is anything that you do not understand about our travel insurance for cosmetic surgery abroad or if you have any questions about our cover, please contact us:
0203 409 1236

For full terms, conditions and exclusions please see the policy wording